Goals and Structure of the Instruction

Fundamental Moral Theology in the French language in Fribourg is part of an ethics of happiness and virtues, as illustrated by the Dominican tradition and its eminent representative, Saint Thomas Aquinas. It intends to show how the human being, created in the image and likeness of God and called to divine filiation, realizes his or her vocation to commune with the divine life thanks to the Spirit sent by Christ, who died and rose again to liberate from sin and death and to open up to a new life.


A cyclical program

The teaching of Fundamental Moral Theology, in terms of the main courses of the Bachelor's program, follows a two-year cycle (2nd and 3rd years), according to a plan inspired by the Summa of Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In addition to these main courses, there are complementary, optional courses and seminars or proseminars.

The courses are the following:

Fall Semester

Year A : Introduction à la théologie morale fondamentale, la béatitude et les actes humains

Past Academic year 2022-2023


This main semester course marks the beginning of the study of Moral Theology in the bachelor's program. It begins by explaining the nature of this discipline, its purpose, its method and its foundations, as well as the different conceptions that confront it. He then looks at the ultimate horizon of human life, namely that true happiness which is the knowledge and love of God, and the free acts that can lead to it, not without grace.

Course description

Year B : Les principes extérieurs des actes humains. Loi et grâce

Academic year 2023-2024, SS 2024


Fundamental moral theology concludes with a consideration of the external principles of human acts that lead us to beatitude, that is to say, to God himself. The study of the virtues has already shown that the infused virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are necessary to act divinely, by participation. But if action follows being, then deification must be ontological before it is ethical. Participation in the divine nature, the dwelling of God in us, divine filiation express this participation in the Son-being and God-being of the Lord Jesus, giving us a share in his Spirit. The divine law, which guides the actions of believers throughout the ages, culminates as a new law, not written on tablets of stone but inscribed in hearts of flesh: the very grace of the Holy Spirit.

Course description

Spring Semester

Year A : Les principes intérieurs des actes humains. Passions et vertus, le péché

Past Academic year 2022-2023


In this second semester of the course of Fundamental Moral Theology, the study continues in the direction of the interior principles of human acts: the virtues, of course, which dispose one to act well by a deliberate choice, but also those movements of the sensibility that tradition calls the passions of the soul: their nature and their morality have mobilized centuries of reflection, but their mastery above all has been the permanent ambition of those who were in search of a wise and good life.

Course description

Year B : Théologie morale. La foi et l’espérance, éléments clés d’une morale chrétienne

Academic year 2023-2024, Past FS 2023


As part of the cyclical teaching on the virtues, we will look at the theological virtues of faith and hope, showing their place in the dynamism of the moral life. We will develop our reflections from biblical and patristic foundations and from the classic exposition of Saint Thomas. These elements will be taken up again in a contemporary reading which will seek to develop the way in which faith and hope inspire and guide the concrete life of the believer.

Course description 

Complete Course Offerings