Academic Affairs Directorate
The Academic Management supports the Rector's Office, the faculties and the various departments in the coordination of projects and files that are in principle related to studies and have strategic and/or political components. It manages the Academic Secretariat and the academic departments and units that are responsible for various services linked to student services organised centrally at Unifr, in particular:
- reception and information;
- admissions and registration;
- international affairs and mobility,
- various forms of support: financial, psychological, spiritual, legal, career, reconciling studies with civilian or military service;
- cultural activities for students;
- diplomas;
- requests for equivalence;
- study opportunities;
- BeNeFri;
- thesis co-supervision;
- Quali+;
- the Graduate Campus.
Representing the University:
- IT Strategy Committee;
- Quality Assurance Committee;
- Teaching Committee;
- International Relations Committee;
- Evangelical Reformed Pastoral Care Committee;
- Catholic Pastoral Care Committee;
- Tuition Fee Reduction Committee;
- Uni-Social Committee;
- Psychological Advice Committee;
- Foundation Board of apartis.
The Academic Directorate provides the following services:
Provides support to the Academic Director on a range of issues and assumes various tasks and responsibilities in relation to studies, including: degrees, requests for equivalence, study offers, BeNeFri, co-supervision of theses, Quali + and the Graduate Campus.
University didactics and digital skills
Responsible for supporting the didactic and digital skills of members of the university community, particularly in their teaching and/or learning activities. It is also responsible for advising the Rectorate and supporting it in the development of teaching-related strategies.
Admissions and Enrolment Service
Responsible for University admission at all levels and for various services at semester enrolment.
Offering advice, support and networking in cases of personal, administrative, professional, financial difficulties and in the transition from studies to working life.
International Relations Office
Promotion and support of international cooperation with partner universities, in particular with regard to student exchange.
Information Centre for practical information about the University, studying, living in Fribourg, and the military.
Offering short-term therapy designed to support the ability to reshape everyday life in a constructive manner.
Initial legal advice in matters relating to university study.
Available to everyone, whether a believer or not, for personal and spiritual development.
A centre for students offering a cultural programme of concerts, theatrical performances, film and discussion evenings, as well as social activities and workshops.
T: +41 26 300 70 12
Opening hours:
Mo, Tu, Th, Fr:
8:00 - 12:00 / 14:00 - 16:30
Mi: 8:00 - 12:00