Vice-Rectorate Libraries, Sustainability, University and Society
- University libraries and cooperation with the Cantonal and University Library (BCU), at regional as well as national level.
Representing the Rectorate:
- Institute Council of the Centre for European Studies;
- Institute Council of the interdisciplinary Institute of Ethics and Human Rights;
- Sustainability Committee;
- BCU Committee.
Representing the University:
- Boardof the Popular University of the Canton of Fribourg
- Libraries: Coordination Group.
The Vice-Rector is supported in the performance of his duties by various persons and services.
By the Directorate of the Cantonal and University Library (BCU) and the Head of the Coordination Office of the Documentation Centres and Open Science.
They advise the Vice-Rector on thematic, administrative and practical matters relating to libraries and Open Science.
T: +41 26 300 70 02
Opening hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 – 11:30 / 14:00 – 16:00
Friday: 8:30 – 11:30