Vice-Rectorate Teaching, Continuing Education, Campus Life and Equality
- Strategic planning, promotion and coordination of teaching and course offerings in collaboration with the Academic Affairs Directorate;
- Relations with the University of Teacher Education;
- Supervision of teacher training;
- Promotion and management of the University’s continuing education programme in its faculties, departments and institutes in collaboration with the Continuing Education Service;
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Representing the Rectorate:
- Teaching Committee;
- Continuing Education Committee;
- Quality Assurance Committee;
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee;
- Member of the Council of the Institute for Family Research and Advice;
- Committee of the Fribourg University of Teacher Education.
Representing the University:
- Advisory Council for Secondary Teacher Education (BLB);
- Triangle Azur: VR4 - Western Switzerland Network of Vice-Rectors "Teaching";
- Foundation Board of the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+);
- Swissuniversities: Network "Teaching".
The Vice-Rector Teaching, Continuing Education, Campus Life and Equality is assisted in the fulfilment of her duties by various persons and departments and presides over the following committees:
Advisory Council for Secondary Teacher Education
The Advisory Council for Secondary Level Teacher Education is the body which advises and coordinates teacher education at the University for secondary levels I and II. It collaborates with all internal and external teacher education partners.
This service initiates, organises or supports the continuing education offerings of the faculties, departments and institutes and supports the Vice-Rectorate in the development of standards for continuing education at the University.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office
The Office promotes better gender equality within the framework of the federal programme and regional cooperation as well as in regard to quality assurance. Its work covers students and their fields of study, aspiring academics, the nomination of women and men to professorial positions as well as work-life balance.
T: +41 26 300 70 02
Opening hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 – 11:30 / 14:00 – 16:00
Friday: 8:30 – 11:30