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Do children work better alone or when supervised by an unknown?

The presence of an unfamiliar person significantly slows down the time children take to complete tests. That is the conclusion of a recent study carried out on 123 children and it is no small discovery.…

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Stage win in fight against antibiotic resistance

University of Fribourg researchers have managed to demonstrate both the effectiveness and the limits of a new molecule (xeruborbactam) in treating certain antibiotic-resistant bacteria. According to WHO,…

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Cyanide: a toxic gas and indispensable element in our cells

All things are poison, and nothing is without poison. It is the dose that does in, the quantity that makes the poison! A team of scientists headed by Prof. Csaba Szabo of the University of Fribourg has…

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Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg

+41 26 300 70 34
