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Exercise your balance to counter the ill effects of aging

Often with seniors, aging negatively impacts their well-being. Loss of quality sleep, impaired motor control, and cognitive disorders are frequent ailments. For the first time, a team of scientists led…

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Shell limits evolution of turtles

A study by the University of Fribourg suggests that the shell of turtles significantly restricts their evolutionary development, explaining their low species diversity compared to other animal groups.

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A new way of detecting mutations linked to cancer

Cancer provokes mutations in cellular DNA. Detecting these changes in patients’ blood enables physicians to prescribe anticancer treatments that are better targeted and more effective. Detection, however,…

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Unicom - Communication & Medias

MIS 04 - Office 4110 / 4132
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg

+41 26 300 70 34
