The University of Fribourg provides various kinds of services designed to make life easier for its students...
The University of Fribourg provides various kinds of services designed to make life easier for its students...
To make life easier...
15.01.2025 | Temps partiel | DiversAgent-e-s de prévention (auxiliaire)
15.01.2025 | Temps partiel | AuxiliaireDer etwas andere Teilzeitjob (10% bis 25%)
15.01.2025 | Temps partiel | DiversLogopädin / Logopäde
14.01.2025 | Temps partiel | Pédagogie spécialiséeSTAGIAIRE EN PSYCHOLOGIE SCOLAIRE
14.01.2025 | StageThe officials Facebook and Twitter channels...