Manuel Puppis

Prof. Dr.
 +41 26 300 8425

media policy, regulation and governance; media economics; media organizations and journalism; media change and digitization; Swiss media system and international comparison of media systems

Department of Communication and Media Research

PER 21 bu. F328
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
PER 21, F328


Manuel Puppis is Full Professor of Media Structures and Governance in the Department of Communication and Media Research DCM, University of Fribourg and serves as vice-chair of the Swiss Federal Media Commission (FMEC).


Puppis holds a PhD in Communication Science and an M.A. in Communication Science, Political Science as well as Economic and Social History from the University of Zurich. His research interests include media policy, media regulation and media governance, media systems in a comparative perspective, the digitalization and platformization of the public sphere, media organizations and journalism, as well as media economics and critical political economy.


He has been a visiting scholar at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam (2023), the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, Steinhardt School, New York University (2018), the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institute in Hamburg (2023, 2012) and the Centre for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania (2011). For fall term 2012 Puppis was appointed as a Visiting Resident Scholar at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. From 2020 to 2023 he also served as a member of the Council of Europe MSI-REF and MSI-RES committees of experts.  


In 2024, Puppis received the «C. Edwin Baker Award for the Advancement of Scholarship on Media, Markets and Democracy» from the International Communication Association (ICA).


Complete CV


Research and publications

  • Publications
    162 publications

    Handbook of Media and Communication Governance
    Manuel Puppis, Robin Mansell, Hilde Van den Bulck (Elgar, 2024), ISBN: 9781800887190 | Edited book

    Introduction to media and communication governance: from labelling to theorizing and practice
    Manuel Puppis, Robin Mansell, Hilde Van den Bulck (2024) | Book chapter

    Sociological institutionalism: conceptualizing media governance as institution and organization
    Manuel Puppis (2024) | Book chapter

    Empfehlungen , in Deepfakes und manipulierte Realitäten. Technologiefolgenabschätzung und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Schweiz
    Karaboga, Murat and Frei, Nula and Puppis, Manuel and Vogler, Daniel and Raemy, Patric and Ebbers, Frank and Runge, Greta and Rauchfleisch, Adrian and Seta, Gabriele de and Gurr, Gwendolyn and Friedewald, Michael and Rovelli, Sophia, ed. by Karaboga, Murat and Frei, Nula and Puppis, Manuel and Vogler, Daniel and Raemy, Patric and Ebbers, Frank and Runge, Greta and Rauchfleisch, Adrian and Seta, Gabriele de and Gurr, Gwendolyn and Friedewald, Michael and Rovelli, Sophia (Zollikon: vdf, 2024), ISBN: 9783728141866 | Book chapter

    Deepfakes im Journalismus , in Deepfakes und manipulierte Realitäten. Technologiefolgenabschätzung und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Schweiz
    Raemy, Patric and Puppis, Manuel and Gurr, Gwendolyn, ed. by Karaboga, Murat and Frei, Nula and Puppis, Manuel and Vogler, Daniel and Raemy, Patric and Ebbers, Frank and Runge, Greta and Rauchfleisch, Adrian and Seta, Gabriele de and Gurr, Gwendolyn and Friedewald, Michael and Rovelli, Sophia (Zollikon: vdf, 2024), ISBN: 9783728141866 | Book chapter

    Deepfakes und manipulierte Realitäten: Technologiefolgenabschätzung und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Schweiz
    Karaboga, Murat and Frei, Nula and Puppis, Manuel and Vogler, Daniel and Raemy, Patric and Ebbers, Frank and Runge, Greta and Rauchfleisch, Adrian and Seta, Gabriele de and Gurr, Gwendolyn and Friedewald, Michael and Rovelli, Sophia (Zollikon: vdf, 2024), ISBN: 9783728141866 | Edited book

    La trasformazione digitale, una sfida per la politica dei media , in ch Blog
    Manuel Puppis (19.3.2024) | Press article

    Quelle politique des medias appliquer face à la transformation numérique? , in ch Blog
    Manuel Puppis (19.3.2024) | Press article

    Digitale Transformation als Herausforderung für die Medienpolitik , in ch Blog
    Manuel Puppis (19.3.2024) | Press article

    Domahidi, Emese and Engelmann, Ines and Pentzold, Christian and Puppis, Manuel, Publizistik (2024) | Journal article

    Methods for Global Media and Communication Governance Research , in Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads
    Puppis, Manuel and Van den Bulck, Hilde, ed. by Padovani, Claudia and Wavre, Véronique and Hintz, Arne and Goggin, Gerard and Iosifidis, Petros (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024), ISBN: 9783031296154 | Book chapter

    Digitale Öffentlichkeit und Medienpolitik: Von Media Governance zu Mediation Governance , in Regulierung, Governance und Medienethik in der digitalen Gesellschaft
    Puppis, Manuel, ed. by Prinzing, Marlis and Seethaler, Josef and Eisenegger, Mark and Ettinger, Patrik (Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2024), ISBN: 9783658424770 | Book chapter

  • Research projects

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