Ingo Schaaf



Ancient Christian texts and literature

Religious and ecclesiastical history of Antiquity

Relationship of Antiquity and Christianity


since 2020 Senior Researcher in Patristics and the History of the Ancient Church, University of Freiburg (CH)

2019 Arthur and Joyce Gordon Fellow in Latin Epigraphy, CEPS, The Ohio State University (USA)

2018 Baden-Württemberg Certificate for Teaching and Learning at University Level

2016–2018 Feodor Lynen Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Vatican 

2015–2016 Fritz Thyssen Fellow in Rome; Uditore (auditor) at the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology  

2012–2020 'Akademischer Mitarbeiter' in Latin Philology, University of Konstanz

2012 Graduation to Dr. phil. and Dipl.-Theol., University of Freiburg (GER)

Studies in Classical Philology (Latin, Greek) and Catholic Theology at Trier, Thessaloniki, and Freiburg i. Br., funded research stays at Oxford (DAAD) and Columbus, Ohio (Fulbright), project collaboration at Freiburg (SNF), Visiting Professorships in Rome (Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum and Angelicum)

Research and publications

  • Publications
    48 publications

    ...quem [...] hominem fuisse non possum diffiteri. Anmerkungen zu Hieronymus in der humanistischen Rezeption, in: Hieronymus und die Vulgata. Quellen und Rezeption (Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament 241). Ed. Felber A. Stuttgart. Kohlhammer, 118-133.
    Ingo Schaaf (2025), ISBN: 978-3-17-042468-5 | Book chapter

    Das Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum und die „Neuen Fragmente aus Origenes’ Kommentar zum Matthäusevangelium“ (= frgg. Tzamalikos), in: Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum. The Text in its Contexts (Cahiers de Biblia Patristica 26). Ed. Mali F. et al. Turnhout. Brepols, in preparation
    Ingo Schaaf (2025), ISBN: 978-2-503-61116-7 | Book chapter

    Jerome as an ethnograph(icis)er, in: Early Christian Writers in the West and the Classical Literary Tradition (Trends in Classics series, Supplementary volumes 177). Eds. Papaioannou S., Tsartsidis, Th. Berlin-Boston. De Gruyter, 171-186.
    Ingo Schaaf (2025), ISBN: 978-3-11-102743-2 | Book chapter