Nula Frei
PhD, MLaw, B.A.
Department of International and Commercial Law
Av. de Beauregard 11
1700 Fribourg
Dr Nula Frei studied law and political science in Zurich, Bern and Lille (France) and wrote her PhD thesis on the protection of victims of human trafficking in Swiss asylum law, which has been awarded the Brigitte Schnegg Prize for Gender Studies.
Her areas of expertise are Swiss constitutional and administrative law, human rights law, EU law and Swiss-EU relations, with a particular focus on questions of migration, equality, security and data protection.
She has held previous posts at the Centre for Migration Law of the University of Bern, the Swiss Centre for Expertise in Human Rights (police and justice cluster) and the UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein in Geneva.
Research and publications
- Ongoing projects
- Habilitationsprojekt zur Gleichheit in der Informationsgesellschaft (Universität Freiburg i.Ue.)
- Kommentierung von Artikel 7 BPR (Stimmabgabe Invalider) in: N. Braun-Binder / C. Bisaz / A. Glaser / B. Tornay Schaller (Hrsg.), Onlinekommentar Bundesgesetz über die politischen Rechte
- Kommentierung von Artikel 76 DSG (Abschluss von Staatsverträgen), in: D. Hürlimann / A.-S. Morand (Hrsg.), Onlinekommentar Datenschutzgesetz
- Publications (PDF)