Christoph Müller

Prof. Dr.

Department of Special Needs Education

SPC 01 bu. 135
Rue St.-P. Canisius 19
1700 Fribourg
SPC 01, 135


Prof. Dr. Christoph Michael Müller is professor of Special Education and he is responsible for the German programme Master of Arts in Special Education/ Special Education at School. He currently also serves as a founding vice dean at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. His research interests include peer relationships and peer influence, problem behavior, prosocial behavior, intellectual disabilities, and autism spectrum disorder.

Research and publications

  • Publications
    78 publications

    School placement trajectories of students with special educational needs—A longitudinal analysis of administrative data
    Romana Snozzi, Christoph Müller, Carmen Zurbriggen, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (2024) | Journal article

    Peerbeziehungen und Peereinfluss bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit geistiger Behinderung - Ergebniszusammenfassung der Studie KomPeers
    Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik (2024) | Journal article

  • Research projects

Teaching and courses

Show in course program