Struggling for equal access and success: disability in European higher education
Christina Haas, Katri Kleemola, Andreas Hadjar, Heidi Hyytinen, Tarja Tuononen, Justin J.W. Powell, Auli Toom, Comparative Education (2025) | Journal article
Practice Research and Pioneering Approaches for Tackling Educational Inequalities
, in Equity in Education: A Handbook for Participative Approaches in Research and Development to Address School Inequalities
Jan Skrobanek, Solvejg Jobst, Susana Vazquez Cupeiro, Andreas Hadjar, Sabine Bollig, Aigul Alieva (2025)
| Book chapter
Schulische Kontexte, Schulentfremdung und Bildungsarmut
, in Handbuch Bildungsarmut
Alyssa Laureen Grecu, Andreas Hadjar, Jan Scharf (2025), ISBN: 9783658446987
| Book chapter
Comparing Pathways into the Labor Market of Young People with Disabilities in Switzerland and Luxembourg
Justin J.W. Powell, Andreas Hadjar, Robin Samuel, Boris Traue, Carmen Zurbriggen, (2024) | Journal article
Wegweisende Politiken und Praktiken zur Reduktion von Bildungsungleichheiten
, in Bildungsungerechtigkeit in Luxemburg
Juliette Torabian, Andreas Hadjar (2024)
| Book chapter
Social mobility and subjective wellbeing
, in Encyclopedia of Happiness, Quality of Life and Subjective Wellbeing
Fabian Kratz, Andreas Hadjar, Robin Samuel (2024), ISBN: 9781800889675
| Book chapter
Social Inequalities in Study Trajectories: A Comparison of the United States and Germany
Andreas Hadjar, Christina Haas, Sociology of Education (2024) | Journal article
Institutional characteristics of education systems and inequalities: Introduction III
Andreas Hadjar, Christiane Gross, International Journal of Comparative Sociology (2024) | Journal article
Facilitators and barriers to policy implementation: A mixed-method study on the plurilingual policy in Luxembourg
Andreas Hadjar, Kevin Simoes Loureiro, European Educational Research Journal (2024) | Journal article
40 Jahre ALLBUS - Die deutsche Gesellschaft im Wandel (Einleitung)
, in 40 Jahre ALLBUS - Die deutsche Gesellschaft im Wandel
Andreas Hadjar, Adrian Stanciu, Oshrat Hochman (2024)
| Book chapter
40 Jahre ALLBUS - Die deutsche Gesellschaft im Wandel
Oshrat Hochman, Adrian Stanciu, Andreas Hadjar (Springer VS, 2024)
| Edited book
Studierende in und aus Luxemburg
, in Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2024
| Book chapter
Unterschiede in Schullaufbahnen von Schüler:innen in Luxemburg
, in Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2024
| Book chapter
Wegweisende Bildungspraktiken in Luxemburg. Ergebnisse des PIONEERED-Projekts
, in Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2024
Juliette Torabian, Andreas Hadjar, Susanne Backes (2024)
| Book chapter
Students' Academic Habitus and Its Relation to Family Capital: A Latent Class Approach to Inequalities among Secondary School Students1
Frederick de Moll and Alyssa Laureen Grecu and Andreas Hadjar, Sociological Inquiry (2023) | Journal article
Higher education and active citizenship in five European countries: How institutions, fields of study and types of degree shape the political participation of graduates
Kai Mühleck, Andreas Hadjar, Research in Comparative and International Education (2023) | Journal article
Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. 14., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage
Andreas Hadjar, Peter Atteslander, Georges-Simon Ulrich (Peter Schmidt Verlag, 2023)
| Book
Gesamtschule und Bildungsungleichheiten aus internationaler Perspektive
, in Gesamtschule – Status quo und quo vadis?
Andreas Hadjar, Simon Gordt (2023)
| Book chapter
How the Welfare-State Regime Shapes the Gap in Subjective Well-Being Between People With and Without Disabilities
Andreas Hadjar and Edith Kotitschke, KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (2021) | Journal article
School Alienation Among Adolescents in Switzerland and Luxembourg: The Role of Parent and Peer Supportive Attitudes Toward School and Teacher Autonomy Support
Julia Morinaj and Frederick de Moll and Tina Hascher and Andreas Hadjar and Alyssa Grecu and Jan Scharf, Youth {\&}amp$\mathsemicolon$ Society (2021) | Journal article
Authoritarianism Beyond Disposition: A Literature Review of Research on Contextual Antecedents
Caroline Schnelle and Dirk Baier and Andreas Hadjar and Klaus Boehnke, Frontiers in Psychology (2021) | Journal article
How Migration Policy Shapes the Subjective Well-Being of the Non-immigrant Population in European Countries
Alexander Tatarko and Tomas Jurcik and Andreas Hadjar, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2021) | Journal article
Who aspires to higher education? Axes of inequality, values of education and higher education aspirations in secondary schools in Luxembourg and the Swiss Canton of Bern
Andreas Hadjar and Jan Scharf and Tina Hascher, European Journal of Education (2021) | Journal article
Agency and the school-to-work transition of care leavers: A retrospective study of Luxembourgish young people
Sabrina Göbel and Andreas Hadjar and Ute Karl and Julia A. Jäger, Children and Youth Services Review (2021) | Journal article
A Typical Case Report: Internet Gaming Disorder Psychotherapy Treatment in Private Practice
Daryl, Andreas Hadjar, Vivien Ankli, Nina Schweinfurth, Claudia Zueger, Renanto Poespodihardjo, Sylvie Petitjean, Gerhard Wiesbeck, Marc Walter, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2021) | Journal article
Emotionen in Schule und Unterricht
, in []
Andreas Hadjar, ed. by Charlott Rubach and Rebecca Lazarides (Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2021), ISBN: 9783847415657
| Book chapter
Changes in school alienation profiles among secondary school students and the role of teaching style: Results from a longitudinal study in Luxembourg and Switzerland
Andreas Hadjar and Alyssa Grecu and Jan Scharf and Frederick de Moll and Julia Morinaj and Tina Hascher, International Journal of Educational Research (2021) | Journal article
Schule und soziale Ungleichheit
, in Handbuch Schulforschung
Ulrike Deppe and Andreas Hadjar (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021), ISBN: 9783658247348
| Book chapter
Do students’ language backgrounds explain achievement differences in the Luxembourgish education system?
Kevin Simoes Loureiro and Andreas Hadjar and Jan Scharf and Alyssa Grecu, Ethnicities (2019) | Journal article
The role of future orientations and future life goals in achievement among secondary school students in Switzerland
Andreas Hadjar and Daryl Wayne Niedermoser, Journal of Youth Studies (2019) | Journal article
Applying social production function theory to benefits of schooling: the concept of values of education
Jan Scharf and Andreas Hadjar and Alyssa Grecu, British Journal of Sociology of Education (2019) | Journal article
Teachers’ Images of the Ideal Student as a Marker for School Culture and Its Role in School Alienation During the Transition from Primary to Secondary Education in Luxembourg
Alyssa Laureen Grecu and Tina Hascher and Andreas Hadjar, Studia paedagogica (2019) | Journal article
The value of education among immigrants and non-immigrants and how this translates into educational aspirations: a comparison of four European countries
Andreas Hadjar and Jan Scharf, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (2019) | Journal article
Devoutness to Islam and the Attitudinal Acceptance of Political Violence Among Young Muslims in Germany
Andreas Hadjar and David Schiefer and Klaus Boehnke and Wolfgang Frindte and Daniel Geschke, Political Psychology (2019) | Journal article
Educational expansion and inequalities: how did inequalities by social originand gender decrease in modern industrial societies?
, in Research Handbook on the Sociology of Education
Andreas Hadjar (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019)
| Book chapter
Schulische Kontexte, Schulentfremdung und Bildungsarmut
, in Handbuch Bildungsarmut
Andreas Hadjar and Jan Scharf and Alyssa Grecu (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019), ISBN: 9783658195724
| Book chapter
Integration und Bildung
, in Handbuch Integration
Andreas Hadjar and Rolf Becker (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019), ISBN: 9783658215705
| Book chapter
How Welfare-State Regimes Shape Subjective Well-Being Across Europe
Robin Samuel and Andreas Hadjar, Social Indicators Research (2016) | Journal article
Education Systems and Inequalities: International Comparisons
Andreas Hadjar, ed. by Andreas Hadjar and Christiane Gross (Policy Press, 2016), ISBN: 9781447326106
| Book
, in Education Systems and Inequalities
Andreas Hadjar and Christiane Gross (Policy Press, 2016)
| Book chapter
Theorising the impact of education systems on inequalities
, in Education Systems and Inequalities
Christiane Gross and Heinz-Dieter Meyer and Andreas Hadjar (Policy Press, 2016)
| Book chapter
Education systems and gender inequalities in educational attainment
, in Education Systems and Inequalities
Andreas Hadjar and Claudia Buchmann (Policy Press, 2016)
| Book chapter
Education systems and meritocracy:
, in Education Systems and Inequalities
Andreas Hadjar and Rolf Becker (Policy Press, 2016)
| Book chapter
Erziehungswissenschaft(en) in Luxemburg – Eine feste Säule in der noch jungen luxemburgischen Hochschullandschaft
Andreas Hadjar, Erziehungswissenschaft (2016) | Journal article
Education systems and the dynamics of educational inequalities in low educational attainment: a closer look at England (UK), Finland, Luxembourg, and German-speaking Switzerland
Andreas Hadjar and Erica Uusitalo, European Societies (2016) | Journal article
The 1968 Movement Revisited: Education and the Distinction in Values, Political Interest and Political Participation in West Germany
Andreas Hadjar, Florian Schlapbach, German Politics (2009) | Journal article
Erwartete und unerwartete Folgen der Bildungsexpansion in Deutschland
, in Lehrbuch der Bildungssoziologie
Andreas Hadjar and Rolf Becker (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009), ISBN: 9783531917115
| Book chapter
Meritokratie – Zur gesellschaftlichen Legitimation ungleicher Bildungs-, Erwerbs- und Einkommenschancen in modernen Gesellschaften
, in Lehrbuch der Bildungssoziologie
Rolf Becker and Andreas Hadjar (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009), ISBN: 9783531917115
| Book chapter
Educational Expansion and Interest in Politics in temporal and cross-cultural perspective
Andreas Hadjar, Florian Schlapbach, European Sociological Review (2009) | Journal article