Christophe Fitamen

Doctor of philosophy in psychology

Department of Education and Teaching Sciences

RM 01 bu. C-3.109
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg
RM 01, C-3.109

Department of Psychology

RM 01 bu. C-3.109
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg
RM 01, C-3.109

Department of Psychology

RM 01 bu. C-3.109
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg
RM 01, C-3.109

Senior Researcher
Department of Psychology

RM 01 bu. C-3.109
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg
RM 01, C-3.109


Ongoing Research

  • Influence of reward on the allocation of attentional resources in working memory in collaboration with Prof. Valérie Camos, Prof. Chantal Martin Sölch, and Dr. Maximilien Labaronne (University of Fribourg).
  • Cognitive Pragmatic Treatment in collaboration with Prof. Chantal Martin Sölch (University of Fribourg), Prof. Francesca M. Bosco and Dr Ilaria Gabbatore (University of Turin).
  • Availability of attentional resources and working memory in children with reading impairments with the support of Prof. Valérie Camos (University of Fribourg).
  • Working memory development and goal maintenance in collaboration with Prof. Valérie Camos (University of Fribourg), Prof. Agnès Blaye (Aix-Marseille University), Dr Nicolas Chevalier (University of Edinburgh).
  • Help in written and oral comprehension for children in collobaration with Mrs. Léa Leuthold (University of Neuchâtel).


  • Cognitive development, University of Fribourg, University of Neuchâtel
  • Continuing education, Universities of Aix-Marseille, Fribourg

Psychologist at Centre de psychologie de la santé, University of Fribourg

Research and publications

Teaching and courses

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