Karin Schlapbach
Department of Classical Philology
Rue Pierre-Aeby 16
1700 Fribourg
Aktuell: Interview in Alma & Georges https://www3.unifr.ch/alma-georges/articles/2020/les-romains-pratiquaient-la-danse-plutot-que-la-distanciation-sociale
Essay in Aeon: Why the Old Man Dances
2001 Dr. phil., University of Zurich: Classical Philology
1997 Lic. phil., University of Berne: Romance philology / Italian Linguistics
1996 Lic. phil., University of Basel: Classics (Greek, Latin) and Italian Literature
Scholarships, grants and honours:
2010-2011 Fellow, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC
2010-2013 (jeweils Sommersemester): Humboldt-Stipendium, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
2010-2013 Research grant des Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Kanada
2015 Fellow, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, New York
Research and publications
- Publications (books)
The Anatomy of Dance Discourse. Literary and Philosophical Approaches to Dance in the Later Graeco-Roman World (Oxford: OUP 2018).
J. Pfefferkorn, Gnomon 92 (2020) 508-513: https://www.beck-elibrary.de/10.17104/0017-1417-2020-6-508/karin-schlapbach-the-anatomy-of-dance-discourse-literary-and-philosophical-ap-proaches-to-dance-in-the-later-graeco-roman-world-volume-92-2020-issue-6?page=1
A.-E. Peponi, Classical Philology 114, 4 (October 2019) 673-677: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/705171
T. Sapsford, American Journal of Philology 140, 1 (2019) 175-178: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/719138/pdf
S. Bocksberger, The Classical Review 69.1 (2018) 296-298: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/classical-review/article/literary-and-philosophical-dance-discourse-in-later-graecoroman-antiquity-k-schlapbach-the-anatomy-of-dance-discourse-literary-and-philosophical-approaches-to-dance-in-the-later-graecoroman-world-pp-xii-339-ills-oxford-oxford-university-press-2018-cased-70-us90-isbn-9780198807728/7E63F4C8F0A213F79D4ED4F3F13C5E9B
S. Olsen, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.07.26: https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2018/2018.07.26
Z. Alonso Fernández, Phoenix 72 (1/2), (2018), 174-176: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7834/phoenix.72.1-2.0174?seq=1 - metadata_info_tab_contents
• Augustin, Contra Academicos vel De Academicis. Buch 1. Einleitung und Kommentar, Patristische Texte und Studien 58 (Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 2003). 253 pp.
G.J.P. O’Daly, Classical Review 55 (2005) 557-559.
J. Lössl, Religious Studies 41 (2005) 246f.
G. Krapinger, Museum Helveticum 62 (2005) 249f.
M. Claes, Theologische Literaturzeitung 130 (2005) 962f.
K. Pollmann, Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum (2009).
• Aspects of Roman Dance Culture: Religious Cults, Theatrical Entertainments, Metaphorical Appropriations, ed. by K. Schlapbach (Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart: 2022). 340 pp.
• Choreonarratives. Dancing Stories in Greek and Roman Antiquity and beyond, ed. by L. Gianvittorio / K. Schlapbach (Leiden, Brill: 2021). 369 pp.
M. Bell, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2022.10.13 https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2022/2022.10.13/
A. Kubic, Rhea Classical Review https://rheaclassicalreview.blogspot.com/2022/08/kubic-on-gianvittorio-ungar-and-schlapbach.html
Z. Alonso Fernández, GRMS (forthcoming)
• Papers presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011, Studia Patristica 60, ed. by M. Vinzent. Vol. 8 ed. by K. Schlapbach: New Perspectives on Late Antique spectacula (Leuven etc. 2013).
• T. Fuhrer / M. Erler in Zusammenarbeit mit K. Schlapbach (eds), Zur Rezeption der hellenistischen Philosophie in der Spätantike (Stuttgart 1999). 316 pp.