Karin Schlapbach

Department of Classical Philology

RPA 01 bu. 1.2.1
Rue Pierre-Aeby 16
1700 Fribourg
RPA 01, 1.2.1


AktuellInterview in Alma & Georges https://www3.unifr.ch/alma-georges/articles/2020/les-romains-pratiquaient-la-danse-plutot-que-la-distanciation-sociale

Essay in Aeon: Why the Old Man Dances


2001             Dr. phil., University of Zurich: Classical Philology

1997             Lic. phil., University of Berne: Romance philology / Italian Linguistics

1996             Lic. phil., University of Basel: Classics (Greek, Latin) and Italian Literature

Scholarships, grants and honours:

2010-2011 Fellow, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC

2010-2013 (jeweils Sommersemester): Humboldt-Stipendium, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

2010-2013 Research grant des Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Kanada

2015 Fellow, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, New York

Research and publications

Teaching and courses

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