Julie Wee
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
Department of Geosciences
PER 14 bu. 3.332
Ch. du Musée 4
1700 Fribourg
Ch. du Musée 4
1700 Fribourg
PER 14, 3.332
Research and publications
1 - Publications
4 publications
Characterizing ground ice content and origin to better understand the seasonal surface dynamics of the Gruben rock glacier and the adjacent Gruben debris-covered glacier (southern Swiss Alps)
Julie Wee, Sebastián Vivero, Tamara Mathys, Coline Mollaret, Christian Hauck, Christophe Lambiel, Jan Beutel, Wilfried Haeberli, (2024) | PreprintDiscriminating viscous-creep features (rock glaciers) in mountain permafrost from debris-covered glaciers – a commented test at the Gruben and Yerba Loca sites, Swiss Alps and Chilean Andes
The Cryosphere (2024) | Journal article