Nathalie Meuwly

Dr. phil.

 +41 26 300 7486

My research interests relate to the interaction between social relationships and mental health. I am interested in how we can explain that people with satisfying relationships with close others (e.g. partners, siblings) have better well-being and how interindividual differences affect these processes. The focus of my work is on gender differences and the role of dysfunctional cognitions in the context of insecure attachment, depression, or internalized stigma in LGBT+ individuals.

Dean's Office of the Faculty of Humanities

RM 01 bu. C-2.102
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg
RM 01, C-2.102

Department of Psychology

RM 01 bu. C-2.102
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg
Hours of presence
RM 01, C-2.102

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