Nathalie Meuwly
Dr. phil.
+41 26 300 7486
My research interests relate to the interaction between social relationships and mental health. I am interested in how we can explain that people with satisfying relationships with close others (e.g. partners, siblings) have better well-being and how interindividual differences affect these processes. The focus of my work is on gender differences and the role of dysfunctional cognitions in the context of insecure attachment, depression, or internalized stigma in LGBT+ individuals.
Dean's Office of the Faculty of Humanities
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg
Department of Psychology
Research and publications
published manuscripts (peer-reviewed)
28 publications
German and Italian validation of the Dyadic Coping Inventory–Sexual Minority Stress (DCI-SMS) scale.
Journal of Family Psychology (2024) | Journal articleIntimate Pride: a Tri-Nation Study on Associations between Positive Minority Identity Aspects and Relationship Quality in Sexual Minorities from German-Speaking Countries
International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology (2023) | Journal articleInternalisierte Transnegativität, Resilienzfaktoren und psychische Gesundheit in einer Stichprobe geschlechtlicher Minderheiten in Deutschland und der Schweiz
Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (2023) | Journal articleIntimate Pride: A Tri-Nation Study on Associations between Positive Minority Identity Aspects and Relationship Quality in Sexual Minorities From German-Speaking Countries
Melanie S. Fischer, Magdalena Siegel, Ashley K. Randall, Pamela J Lannutti, Yuvamathi Gandhi, Raphaela Lukas, Nathalie Meuwly, Orsolya Filep, Katharina R. van Stein, Beate Ditzen, Tamas Martos, Carmen Schneckenreiter, Casey Totenhagen, Martina Zemp, (2022) | PreprintAssociations of conflict frequency and sexual satisfaction with weekly relationship satisfaction in Iranian couples.
nal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43) (2021) | Journal articleThe Legal Vulnerability Model for Same-Sex Parent Families: A Mixed Methods Systematic Review and Theoretical Integration.
tiers in psychology (2021) | Journal articleLinking political and feminist ideology with openness towards non-binary gender: The development and initial validation of a scale to measure subjective Openness towards Non-Binary Gender (ONBG)
Journal of Gender Studies (2021) | Journal articleAssociations Between Internalized Heterosexism and Perceived and Observed Support in Same-Gender Couples
Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice (2021) | Journal articleIntimacy as Related to Cortisol Reactivity and Recovery in Couples Undergoing Psychosocial Stress.
hosomatic medicine (2019) | Journal articleRelationships, gender, and sexual orientation: Getting beyond the binary , in New Directions in the Psychology of Close Relationships
Meuwly, N. and Randall, A.K. (2019) | Book chapter