Mathilde Fautras
Department of Geosciences
PER 14 bu. 3.327.1
Ch. du Musée 4
1700 Fribourg
Ch. du Musée 4
1700 Fribourg
PER 14, 3.327.1
Senior Researcher
Department of Geosciences
PER 14 bu. 3.327.1
Ch. du Musée 4
1700 Fribourg
Ch. du Musée 4
1700 Fribourg
PER 14, 3.327.1
Research themes:
- Social inequalities
- Inclusion of diversity in education and in the workplace
- Injustices and social movements
- Agrarian and environmental change
- Appropriation and commodification of land, water and plants
- On-farm biogas production
- Agrobiodiversity production
Research areas: Europe, North Africa