Yannick Lambiel
MLaw, Cand. Law PhD
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
Department of International and Commercial Law
BQC 13 bu. 3.816
Av. de Beauregard 13
1700 Fribourg
Av. de Beauregard 13
1700 Fribourg
BQC 13, 3.816
Graduate Administrative Officer
Department of International and Commercial Law
BQC 13 bu. 3.811
Av. de Beauregard 13
1700 Fribourg
Av. de Beauregard 13
1700 Fribourg
BQC 13, 3.811
Graduate Teaching Assistant - Chair of Civil Procedure, Enforcement and Private International Law (Prof. Michel Heinzmann)
Administrator - Institut for Law & Economics (IDé)
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