Emmanuel Alloa

Department of Philosophy

MIS 02 bu. 2215
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
MIS 02, 2215


Emmanuel Alloa is Full Professor of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art at the University of Fribourg since 2019. He studied philosophy, history and art history in Freiburg (D), Padua, Berlin and Paris. In 2009, he received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Paris I-Panthéon and the Free University of Berlin with a binational dissertation. He taught at the Département d'arts plastiques of Paris 8, as well as at the Collège international de Philosophie, held a postdoc position at the NCCR Image Criticism eikones (Basel), and worked as assistant professor of philosophy at the University of St. Gallen. Various visiting professorships and fellowships have taken him to diverse international institutions such as the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies at Columbia University (New York), Universidad San Nicolás de Hidalgo (Mexico), UFMG Belo Horizonte (Brazil), IKKM at Bauhaus University Weimar, University of Vienna, Turin and UC Berkeley. His work has received several awards, including the 2016 Latsis Prize and the 2019 Aby Warburg Wissenschaftspreis.

Emmanuel Alloa currently serves as Deputy President of the German Society for Aesthetics.


Personal Page with selection of texts (academia.edu)

Research and publications

  • Publications
    301 publications

    Attraverso l'immagine. Una fenomenologia dei media visuali
    Alloa, Emmanuel (Milano: Meltemi, 2025), ISBN: 9791256150670 | Book

    Alloa, Emmanuel (Shanghai: 东方出版中心 (Oriental Publishing Center), 2024), ISBN: 978-7-5473-2268-0 | Book

    The Share of Perspective
    Alloa, Emmanuel (New York-London: Routledge, 2024), ISBN: 978-1-03-273918-2 | Book

    Repartos de la perspectiva
    Alloa, Emmanuel, ed. by Bórquez, Zeto (Santiago de Chile: Palinodia, 2023) | Book

    Um novo TranparentoCeno?
    Alloa, Emmanuel (Florianopolis: Zazie Ediçoes, 2022), ISBN: 978-87-93530-50-8 | Book

    O Corpo da Imagem. A Imagem do Corpo
    Alloa, Emmanuel (Porto Alegre: Editora Zouk, 2021), ISBN: 9786557780534 | Book

    Partages de la perspective
    Alloa, Emmanuel (Paris: Fayard, 2020), ISBN: 978-2-213-71663-3 | Book

    Das durchscheinende Bild. Konturen einer medialen Phänomenologie
    Alloa, Emmanuel (Zürich: Diaphanes, 2018), ISBN: 978-3-03734-119-3 | Book

    Alloa, Emmanuel (Fujian Education Press, 2017) | Book

    Resistance of the Sensible World. An Introduction to Merleau-Ponty
    a, Emmanuel (ham University Press, 2017), ISBN: 978-0-8232-7568-7 | Book

    La resistencia de lo sensible. Merleau-Ponty. Crítica de la transparencia
    Alloa, Emmanuel (Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión, 2009) | Book

    La résistance du sensible. Merleau-Ponty critique de la transparence
    Alloa, Emmanuel (Paris: Kimé, 2008) | Book

  • Research projects