Patrick Flack

Senior Researcher
Department of Philosophy

CRI 01 bu. 2.106
Rue Criblet 13
1700 Fribourg


Senior Lecturer in history of ideas of Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Fribourg since 2021. He studied Russian, philosophy and history in Geneva, Berlin and Moscow, before obtaining a PhD from Charles University in Prague (2011). He was then a SNF post-doc researcher at the Central-European Institute of Philosophy (Prague), the Peter-Szondi Institute (Berlin) and the Husserl Archives (Leuven). In 2012, he founded sdvig press, an open access digital publishing platform, which runs the international project Open Commons of Phenomenology

Research and publications

  • Publications
    15 publications

    Inner Form and the Development of the Concept of Expression in Structuralism and Phenomenology (Špet, Jakobson, Merleau-Ponty)
    Patrick Flack, Histoire Épistémologie Langage (2023) | Journal article

    Phenomenology as an Abortive Science of Art: Two Contexts of Early Phenomenological Aesthetics ( Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft and GAChN )
    Patrick Flack, Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology (2023) | Journal article

    Review of: Bernadette Collenberg-Plotnikov, Die Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft (1906–1943): Idee – Institution – Kontext, Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft Sonderheft 20, 2021. 389 pages. Paperback: ISBN 978-3-7873-3648-7, € 138,00; PDF: ISBN 978-3-7873-3649-4, € 104,99
    Patrick Flack, Studies in East European Thought (2023) | Journal article

    Hendrik Pos, la conscience linguistique et la phénoménologie du langage
    Patrick Flack, Signifiances (Signifying) (2021) | Journal article

    Review of Goldsmith & Laks (2019): Battle in the Mind Fields
    Patrick Flack, Historiographia Linguistica (2020) | Journal article

    Translator's note to Giovanni Piana, "The idea of a phenomenological structuralism"
    Giovanni Piana, Phenomenological Reviews (2020) | Journal article

    Le « sens du réel » et l’indication chez Trần Đức Thảo. Une comparaison critique avec Hendrik Pos
    Patrick Flack, Histoire Epistémologie Langage (2020) | Journal article

    From Šklovskij's modernist aesthetics to Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology
    Patrick Flack, Acta Structuralica (2019) | Journal article

    Idée, expression, vécu: la question du sens entre phénoménologie et structuralisme
    Patrick Flack (Hermann, 2018), ISBN: 9782705695514 | Book

    Principles of structural phenomenology
    Simone Aurora and Patrick Flack, Acta Structuralica (2018) | Journal article

  • Research projects

Teaching and courses

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