Poster for the Bachelor and Master evening : 21 November 2024 at the University of Fribourg
Marco Visani, Pierre-Marie Allard, Earth Metabolome Initiative,
(18.11.2024) | Conference
Poster for the Bachelor and Master evening : 21 November 2024 at the University of Fribourg
Marco Visani, Pierre-Marie Allard, Earth Metabolome Initiative,
(18.11.2024) | Conference
Sanctioning of bacterial cheaters by the host plant in nitrogen-fixing symbiosis betweenMedicago truncatulaandSinorhizobium meliloti
Nathalie Judkins, Emmanuel Défossez, Pierre-Marie Allard, Min Chen, Axelle Raisin, Natalie Judkins, Emmanuel Defossez, Michael Stumpe, Inmaculada Yruela, Manuel Becana, Didier Reinhardt, (2024) | Preprint
Taxonomically Informed Scoring Enhances Confidence in Natural Products Annotation
Pierre-Marie Allard, Adriano Rutz, Jonathan BISSON
(2024) | Other
Taxonomically Informed Scoring Enhances Confidence in Natural Products Annotation
Adriano Rutz, Jonathan BISSON, Pierre-Marie Allard
(2024) | Other
Taxonomically Informed Scoring Enhances Confidence in Natural Products Annotation
Pierre-Marie Allard, Adriano Rutz, Jonathan BISSON
(2024) | Other
Taxonomically Informed Scoring Enhances Confidence in Natural Products Annotation
Adriano Rutz, Jonathan BISSON, Pierre-Marie Allard
(2024) | Other
Taxonomically Informed Scoring Enhances Confidence in Natural Products Annotation
Adriano Rutz, Jonathan BISSON, Pierre-Marie Allard
(2024) | Other
A Sample-Centric and Knowledge-Driven Computational Framework for Natural Products Drug Discovery
ACS Central Science (2024) | Journal article
Taxonomically Informed Scoring Enhances Confidence in Natural Products Annotation
Pierre-Marie Allard, Adriano Rutz, Jonathan BISSON
(2024) | Other
Leaf metabolic traits reveal hidden dimensions of plant form and function
Science Advances (2023) | Journal article
Leaf metabolic traits reveal hidden dimensions of plant form and function
Tom W. N. Walker, Franziska Schrodt, Pierre-Marie Allard, Emmanuel Defossez, Vincent E. J. Jassey, Meredith C. Schuman, Jake M. Alexander, Oliver Baines, Virginie Baldy, Richard D. Bardgett, Pol Capdevila, Phyllis D. Coley, Nicole M. van Dam, Bruno David, Patrice Descombes, Maria-Jose Endara, Catherine Fernandez, Dale Forrister, Albert Gargallo-Garriga, Gaёtan Gauser, Sue Marr, Steffen Neumann, Loïc Pellissier, Kristian Peters, Sergio Rasmann, Ute Roessner, Roberto Salguero-Gómez, Jordi Sardans, Wolfram Weckwerth, Jean-Luc Wolfender, Josep Peñuelas, (2023) | Preprint
SBL.00073 material - Specialized Metabolism - UniFr
Pierre-Marie Allard
, Zenodo
(2023) | Other
Open and reusable annotated mass spectrometry dataset of a chemodiverse collection of 1,600 plant extracts
GigaScience (2022) | Journal article
Metabolomics in Ecology and Bioactive Natural Products Discovery: Challenges and Prospects for a Comprehensive Study of the Specialised Metabolome
CHIMIA (2022) | Journal article
Metabolomic- and Molecular Networking-Based Exploration of the Chemical Responses Induced in Citrus sinensis Leaves Inoculated with Xanthomonas citri
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2022) | Journal article
Targeted Isolation of Antibiotic Brominated Alkaloids from the Marine Sponge Pseudoceratina durissima Using Virtual Screening and Molecular Networking
Marine Drugs (2022) | Journal article
Inventa: a computational tool to discover chemical novelty in natural extracts libraries
Luis-Manuel Quiros-Guerrero, Louis-Félix Nothias, Arnaud Gaudry, Laurence Marcourt, Pierre-Marie Allard, Adriano Rutz, Bruno David, Emerson Ferreira Queiroz, Jean-Luc Wolfender, (2022) | Preprint
The LOTUS initiative for open knowledge management in natural products research
eLife (2022) | Journal article
MEMO: Mass Spectrometry-Based Sample Vectorization to Explore Chemodiverse Datasets
Frontiers in Bioinformatics (2022) | Journal article
Functional Traits 2.0: The power of the metabolome for ecology
Journal of Ecology (2022) | Journal article
MEMO: Mass Spectrometry-based Sample Vectorization to Explore Chemodiverse Datasets
Sylvian Cretton, Arnaud Gaudry, Florian Huber, Louis-Félix Nothias, Marcel Kaiser, Jean-Luc Wolfender, Pierre-Marie Allard, (2021) | Preprint
From mass spectral features to molecules in molecular networks: a novel workflow for untargeted metabolomics
Damien Olivier-Jimenez, Zakaria Bouchouireb, Simon Ollivier, Julia Mocquard, Pierre-Marie Allard, Guillaume Bernadat, Marylène Chollet-Krugler, David Rondeau, Joël Boustie, Justin J.J. van der Hooft, Jean-Luc Wolfender, (2021) | Preprint
Drug Repurposing to Identify a Synergistic High-Order Drug Combination to Treat Sunitinib-Resistant Renal Cell Carcinoma
Cancers (2021) | Journal article
Molecular and Functional Analysis of Sunitinib-Resistance Induction in Human Renal Cell Carcinoma Cells
al Journal of Molecular Sciences (2021) | Journal article
Open Natural Products Research: Curation and Dissemination of Biological Occurrences of Chemical Structures through Wikidata
tz A and Sorokina M and Galgonek J and Mietchen D and Willighagen E and Graham J and Stephan R and Page R and Vondrášek J and Steinbeck C and Pauli GF and Wolfender J and Bisson J and Allard P, (2021) | Preprint
Spatial and evolutionary predictability of phytochemical diversity
s of the National Academy of Sciences (2021) | Journal article
Novel trophic interactions under climate change promote alpine plant coexistence
Science (2020) | Journal article
A Mass Spectrometry Based Metabolite Profiling Workflow for Selecting Abundant Specific Markers and Their Structurally Related Multi-Component Signatures in Traditional Chinese Medicine Multi-Herb Formulae.
tiers in pharmacology (2020) | Journal article
New insights into quetiapine metabolism using molecular networking.
ntific reports (2020) | Journal article