Tristan Katz


Animal ethics - wild animal welfare - utilitarian ethics - principilism

PhD Student SNSF
Department of Geosciences

PER 14 bu. 3.334
Ch. du Musée 4
1700 Fribourg
Friday: morning and afternoon
PER 14, 3.334


I studied ecology and philosophy (BSC) at the University of Victoria, Wellington, and 2018 I completed a MA degree in Political, Legal and Economic Philosophy at the University of Bern. Now I am combining my interests in ethics and the natural world by looking at ethical principles for wildlife conservation, which will constitute the topic of my PhD research at the University of Fribourg Environmental Sciences and Humanities Institute. In particular I am interested in how issues of animal welfare should be considered by those wanting to manage wild populations.

Research and publications

  • Catia Faria: Animal Ethics in the Wild
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  • Challenging our thinking about wild animals with common-sense ethical principles
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  • Widely Agreeable Moral Principles Support Efforts to Reduce Wild Animal Suffering
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