Barbara Carè


Classical Archaeology:

Ritual and funerary archaeology, Game studies, Material culture studies (pottery, bones, metal artefacts)

Senior Researcher
Department of Art History and Archeology

RPA 01 bu. 2.3
Rue Pierre-Aeby 16
1700 Fribourg
RPA 01, 2.3


Specialized in the study of Greek material culture and ludic culture, gendered representations of games, the reception of ancient game practices in modern times and the preservation of the cultural heritage of games. Her main area of research concerns the practical and symbolic meanings of astragali in the ancient world. Member of the COST Action CA22145, Computational Techniques for Tabletop Games Heritage (GameTable) and co-leader of WG5 (Dissemination, Implementation and Education). Field archaeologist.  

Forthcoming publications:

Carè, B. forthcoming, Astragaloi. A “Toy” story, Liége.

Carè, B. (ed.). forthcoming, Astragalomania. New perspectives in the Study of Knucklebones in the Ancient World, Berlin.

Research and publications