Lilian Kroth

Research and publications

  • Journal Papers/ Book Chapters
    12 publications

    Infrastructure, Translation, and Metaphor. A Reflection on Infrastructure’s Epistemic Framework and Metaphorical Displacements with Michel Serres and Bruno Latour , in Broken Relations: Infrastructure, Aesthetics, and Critique
    Kroth, Lilian, ed. by Beck, Martin and Bismarck, Beatrice von and Buchmann, Sabeth and Lafer, Ilse (Leipzig: Spector Books, 2022) | Book chapter

    Critique Emerging from Marshes and Mushrooms: Parasitism and Desterilisation in Serres and Tsing , in Parasitissimi
    Kroth, Lilian, ed. by Cuomo, Vincenzo and Pelgreffi, Igor (Pompei: Kaiak Edizioni, 2022) | Book chapter

    The Topology of Difference: Deleuze’s Nietzsche in his Politics of Folded Spaces and Subjects , in Nietzsche and the Politics of Difference
    Kroth, Lilian, ed. by Rehberg, Andrea and Woodward, Ashley (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022) | Book chapter

    Wie viel Geheimnis muss sein? Geheimnis, Nichtwissen und ihre gesellschaftlichen Funktionen bei Georg Simmel , in Die (Deutungs-) Macht des Öffentlichen. Beiträge zur dritten zu Kommunikation
    Kroth, Lilian, ed. by Metzler, Barabara and Himmelsbach, Julia and Bertel, Diotima and Schmid, Daniela and Grohs, Nora and Nigitsch, Philipp (Danzig & Unfried, 2021) | Book chapter