Remote sensing and feminist critique: Reappropriations of sensing across distance
Lilian Kroth, Environment and Planning F (2024) | Journal article
Lilian Kroth, Angelaki (2024) | Journal article
Entropy and Entropic Differences in the Work of Michel Serres
Lilian Kroth, Theory, Culture & Society (2024) | Journal article
Property and “le Propre”
Lilian Kroth, Center for Environmental Philosophy, The University of North Texas, Environmental Ethics (2024) | Journal article
Ice Narrated from Red: the Temporality of Planetary Data Archives
, in Sunless Seas of Ice
Kroth, Lilian, ed. by Kinčinaitytė, Geistė Marija (Vilnius: PETRO OFSETAS, 2024)
| Book chapter
Art under the Lens of Political Theory: Oliver Marchart and the Aesthetics of Explicitly Political Art (book review)
Kroth, Lilian, Third Text Online. Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture (2022) | Review
Infrastructure, Translation, and Metaphor. A Reflection on Infrastructure’s Epistemic Framework and Metaphorical Displacements with Michel Serres and Bruno Latour
, in Broken Relations: Infrastructure, Aesthetics, and Critique
Kroth, Lilian, ed. by Beck, Martin and Bismarck, Beatrice von and Buchmann, Sabeth and Lafer, Ilse (Leipzig: Spector Books, 2022)
| Book chapter
Critique Emerging from Marshes and Mushrooms: Parasitism and Desterilisation in Serres and Tsing
, in Parasitissimi
Kroth, Lilian, ed. by Cuomo, Vincenzo and Pelgreffi, Igor (Pompei: Kaiak Edizioni, 2022)
| Book chapter
The Topology of Difference: Deleuze’s Nietzsche in his Politics of Folded Spaces and Subjects
, in Nietzsche and the Politics of Difference
Kroth, Lilian, ed. by Rehberg, Andrea and Woodward, Ashley (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022)
| Book chapter
Wie viel Geheimnis muss sein? Geheimnis, Nichtwissen und ihre gesellschaftlichen Funktionen bei Georg Simmel
, in Die (Deutungs-) Macht des Öffentlichen. Beiträge zur dritten zu Kommunikation
Kroth, Lilian, ed. by Metzler, Barabara and Himmelsbach, Julia and Bertel, Diotima and Schmid, Daniela and Grohs, Nora and Nigitsch, Philipp (Danzig & Unfried, 2021)
| Book chapter
Reale Außen? Konfrontationen zwischen French Theory und postkolonialer Kritik im Spiegel einer dividuellen Teilhabe am Weltwerden, Zu: Michaela Ott: Welches Außen des Denkens? Französische Theorie in (post)kolonialer Kritik
Kroth, Lilian, Polylog – Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren (2019) | Review
Den gegenwärtigen Moment nicht verpassen: Interview with Jean-Luc Nancy
Eder, Natalie and Kroth, Lilian and Eleven, Martin, Zeitschrift für Medien-und Kulturforschung (2017) | Journal article