Thomas Staubli

PD Dr. theol.

Department of Biblical Studies

MIS 04 bu. 4219
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
MIS 04, 4219

Senior Researcher
Department of Biblical Studies

MIS 04 bu. 4219
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
MIS 04, 4219


Read the preceding part of the biography in German!

…Since 2003 I have been a senior assistant at the DBS and thus also charged with teaching and research. My course offerings, which since 2005 have included an introduction to the BIBLE+ORIENT collections, are available in the course catalogue. Most of my research, as well as reviews and essays, are readily available on I would like to highlight two editorial projects through which I have been able to express my affinity for both the Jewish and the Palestinian populations in the Holy Land. First, the illustrated, bilingual (Arabic/English) publication of the most comprehensive ethnographic collection in Palestine by Ishaq Hroub: «Atlas of Palestinian Rural Heritage» (2015). Second, the volume published with Job Jindo and Ben Sommer on the life and work of the first professor of Bible in the modern state of Israel: «Yehezkel Kaufmann and the Reinvention of Jewish Biblical Scholarship» (2017).

I have repeatedly been active outside the University of Freiburg: As a Guest lecturer at the Scholion Interdisciplinary Research Center for Humanities and Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (2012/13) and as an adjunct lecturer in Old Testament at the Universities of Bern (2013-17), Basel (2018), and Lucerne (2019).

The connection between science and church is important to me. Comments on current events can be found on my Facebook page. The topic of sustainability has occupied me since my high school days in the seventies. The global increase of catastrophes and wars, the accompanying migration and permanent challenge of intercultural learning and integration occupy me strongly. Several years after separating from the mother of my children, I married (2018) Layla Ibrahim, a Kurdish Syrian, and in 2015-22 I was a facilitator and co-organizer of the Dialogues of the «Forum for Open Catholicity.» Professionally, I am also involved in the Church. Thus, as pastor of the Roman Catholic parish of Bösingen/Laupen (2016-18) and as pastor in the Federal Asylum Center Guglera, Giffers (2018-23).

Research and publications

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Teaching and courses

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