Benjamin Buchan
M.A. Visual Antrhopology
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
Department of Geosciences
I am a PhD candidate and diploma assistant in the Department of Geoscience at the University of Fribourg. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and International Relations from the University of Sussex and a Master’s degree in Visual Anthropology from the University of Manchester. My research concerns human-environment relations and the imaginaries that both shape and are shaped by these interactions. Specifically, I am interested in the entanglements between mountain ranges, glaciers, and their relationships with humans—whether physical or abstract. I also explore the role that images play in supporting and reproducing certain narratives and epistemologies about glacier ecosystems, with a particular focus on the Monte Rosa massif in the Western Alps. My research is based on the use of visual methodologies both as a research tool and as a research outcome.