James Maurice Morgan
PhD - Lecturer
Biblical Greek; Exegesis of the New Testament; ancient historiography; biblical narratology; Luke-Acts
Department of Biblical Studies
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
Hours of reception
Department of Biblical Studies
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
Hours of reception
Research and publications
Research contributions
19 publications
Le dilemme herméneutique de Thucydide. Comment décrire la guerre du Péloponnèse sans parler du divin comme Homère et Hérodote? , in Il porte du fruit en son temps. Hommage à Philippe Lefebvre
James Maurice Morgan (2024) | Book chapterHistoricismes et historiographie
James Maurice Morgan (Excelsis, 2023), ISBN: 978-2-7550-0497-7 | Book chapterLuc (Évangile)
James Maurice Morgan (Excelsis, 2023), ISBN: 978-2-7550-0497-7 | Book chapterProofs of the Divine: Luke’s Use of Tekmhpion in Acts 1:3 in Light of Herodotus’ Description of the Battle of Mycale (Hist. 9.100.2)
James Maurice Morgan, The Journal of Theological Studies (2022) | Journal articleLa découverte de Qumrân : quelle pertinence pour l’étude du Nouveau Testament ? , in Les manuscrits de Qumrân au lendemain de leur 70ème anniversaire
James Maurice Morgan (2019), ISBN: 978-2940650002 | Book chapterButticaz S., L. Devillers, J.M. Morgan et S. Walton (sous dir.), L’historiographie ancienne et Luc-Actes: quels rapports?, Théologie biblique, Vol. 2, Zurich, LIT, 2019.
James Maurice Morgan (Wien: LIT, 2019), ISBN: 9783643909541 | Edited bookProphetic historiography: Definition and relevance for Herodotean and Lukan research , in in «Le corpus lucanien (Luc-Actes) et l’historiographie ancienne: quels rapports?», S. Butticaz, L. Devillers, J. M. Morgan et S. Walton (sous dir.), Berlin, LIT, 2019,
(2019) | Book chapterMarvelous Women of Prophecy in the Narrative Strategies of Herodotus’s Histories and Luke-Acts , in Sprachbilder und Bildsprache
James Maurice Morgan (2019), ISBN: 978-3-525-51698-0 | Book chapterReview of V. George Shillington, An Introduction to the Study of Luke-Acts, 2nd ed.
(2016) | ReviewReview of James R. McConnell, The Topos of Divine Testimony in Luke-Acts (Eugene: Pickwick, 2014) in Histos 10 (2016) xxxv–xl.
(2016) | Review