Oliver Jonas Dürr
Dr. des.
Research Associate
Institute for Ecumenical Studies
- PostDoc-Researcher at the Institute for Hermeneutics and Religious Philosophy (University of Zurich)
- Research Associate at the Center Faith & Society at the University of Fribourg
- Member of the project team: "Faith & Society in Conversation" (youtube.com/c/GlaubeGesellschaft) and "umdenkbar" (youtube.com/channel/UC3Q8VtzDQmECJ_kw4eI7O6g)
Research focus
- Theology of technology
- Anthropology in the digital transformation of society (artificial intelligence, artificial life)
- Trans- and posthumanism
- Ecclesiology, spirituality and faith in the secular and technological age
- Metaphysics in a "post-metaphysical" age: participatory metaphysics, analogia entis, and sophiology
- Russian philosophy of religion in the Silver Age (esp. Nikolaj Fedorov, Sergius Bulgakov and Vladimir Solovyov)
- Urban and cultural history of Florence