Department of French
Faculty of Humanities
Department of French
Av. de Beauregard 13
1700 Fribourg
Attached to this unit
Aguet Kim |
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding |
Barbieri Luca |
Lecturer |
Bourban Klara Ludmila |
Student Assistant |
Bourqui Claude |
Professor |
Cairoli Lavinia |
Lecturer |
Clément Héloïse |
Student Assistant |
Conus Maélie |
Student Assistant |
Corminboeuf Gilles |
Professor |
Corpataux Matthieu |
Senior Researcher |
Delpedro Anouk |
PhD Student SNSF |
Eljorf Ghazi |
Senior Researcher |
Ferracini Velia |
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding |
Fradique-Gorichon-Herren Alexandra |
Lecturer |
Frei Peter |
Lecturer |
Féraud Mathilde |
Student Assistant |
Gachet Frédéric |
Lecturer |
Graillat-Mansuy Céline |
Lecturer |
Herold Agathe |
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding |
Hunkeler Thomas |
Professor |
Huyghe Richard |
Professor |
Jaggy Christelle |
Administrative Officer |
Kipfmüller Léa |
PhD Student SNSF |
Kolly Valentin |
Administrative Officer |
Kussmaul Antony |
Lecturer |
Lachat Jacob |
Assistant Professor |
Lesage Suzanne |
Senior Researcher |
Léchot Timothée |
Assistant Professor |
Monney Matthieu |
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding |
Pitteloud Marine |
PhD Student SNSF |
Prudent Megan |
Student Assistant |
Racca Bastien |
PhD Student SNSF |
Rimann Jean-Philippe |
Lecturer |
Salvadori Justine |
Graduate Administrative Officer |
Schläpfer Arminjon Anne-Frédérique |
Research Associate |
Uhlig Marion |
Professor |
Viscidi Benedetta |
Postdoc SNSF |
Wydler Arnaud |
Postdoc SNSF |