Institute of European Law


Faculty of Law
Institute of European Law
Av. de Beauregard 11
1700 Fribourg
T +41 26 300 8094

Attached to this unit

Affolter Sian

+41 26 300 8448

Balzaretti Sofia Elisabetta

Senior Researcher

Baumann Sarah

Student Assistant

Bieri Madeleine

Librarian - Media Librarian
+41 26 300 8363

Cotting Marion

Librarian - Media Librarian
+41 26 300 8074

Dahinden Flaminia Magdalena

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
+41 26 300 8366

Dubey Grégoire

Student Assistant

Eggen Christine

Administrative Officer
+41 26 300 8090

Fischer-Barnicol Paul Isaac

Student Assistant

Kläui David

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
+41 26 300 8325

Mosters Robert

+41 26 300 8096

Prantl Janine

Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 8066

Raimondo Giulia

Senior Researcher

Sille Irina Isabell

+41 26 300 8361