Ahmed Shaista
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
+41 26 300 8625
Andrey Claudia
Administrative Officer
+41 26 300 9580
Arm Patricia
+41 26 300 9580
Aybek Rusca Selma
+41 26 300 8541
Baie Mona
PhD Student SNSF
Baumeister Franziska
PhD Student SNSF
+41 26 300 8576
Bays Sylvain
Administrative Officer
+41 26 300 8160
Bieler Grégory
Senior technical Officer
+41 26 300 8499
Bisson Maëlle
PhD Student SNSF
Blaimer Sibylle
Bonanno Jade Océane
Research Associate
+41 26 300 9448
Boute Estelle
Study Nurse
Bouvier Maxime
Specialised laboratory Technician
+41 26 300 9595
Bremer Olivier
Technical Officer
+41 26 300 8996
Caetano Sabine
Assistant animal Keeper
+41 26 300 8619
Charrière Isabelle
Scientific Adviser
+41 26 300 8580
Concetti Cristina
Cook Stéphane
+41 26 306 3800
Czypionka Anna
Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 9585
Ducroizet Alexandra
Clinical Research Assistant
Durrleman Stephanie
Assistant Professor
+41 26 300 8575
Epiney Christelle
+41 26 300 9411
Findlay Jacqueline
+41 26 300 9597
Foucras Sandrine
Study Nurse
Fournier Claudine
Head of laboratory ETH/univ.
Frobert Aurélien
Senior technical Officer
+41 26 300 8533
Girard Catherine
Senior administrative Officer
+41 26 300 9444
Giraud Marie-Noëlle
Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 8531
Görbert Johannes
+41 26 300 8178
Hallal Ferreira Raro Otavio
+41 26 300 9584
Hinney Bernd
Inta Dragos Ioan
Jenny-Isler Yvette
Administrative Officer
+41 26 300 8179
Jutzi Beatrice
Administrative Officer
+41 26 300 8154
Kerbol Auriane
Specialised laboratory Technician
+41 26 300 9595
Kieronska-Rudek Anna
Postdoc SNSF
+41 26 300 9415
King Martina
+41 26 300 8672
Kolly Anne
Technical Officer
+41 26 300 8633
Kuhn Yves-Alain
Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 8273
Lauber-Biason Anna
+41 26 300 8534
Le Terrier Christophe
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
Lehmann Sonja
Study Nurse
Lovey Jasmine
PhD Student SNSF
Läderach Linda
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
+41 26 300 8655
Läderach Sylviane
+41 26 300 8581
Mader Frédéric
Administrative Officer
Majtán Tomas
Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 8482
Marton Anita
Research Associate
+41 26 300 9414
Masset Léa
Administrative Officer
Mijatovic Ela
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
+41 26 300 9347
Missonnier-Evrard Pascal
+41 26 300 9432
Mossu Priscille
Préparateur-trice en sciences
+41 26 300 8532
Mouthon Michaël
Senior technical Officer
+41 26 300 8539
Müller Eliane
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
+41 26 300 8538
Naderi Mahtab
PhD Student SNSF
+41 26 300 8537
Najberg Hugo Victor Thomas Léo
Postdoc SNSF
+41 26 300 8535
Neuhaus Francine
Administrative Officer
Nordmann Patrice
+41 26 300 9581
Oravecz Olivia
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
+41 26 300 9416
Otmani-Idrissi Myriem
PhD Student SNSF
Oudet Sarah
PhD Student SNSF
Panagaki Theodora
Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 9434
Paratte Julia
Office Worker
Pecze László
Data Scientist
Peier Franziska
Research Associate
Petrosino Maria
+41 26 300 8483
Philipp Thilo Magnus
+41 26 300 9588
Poirel Laurent
Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 9582
Ravy Caroline
Animal Keeper
Rietmann Felix
Research Associate SNSF
Rüegg Sonja
+41 26 300 8599
Santos da Ascenção Kelly Laurence
+41 26 300 9404
Schouwey Isabelle-Anne
Teacher Training Assistant
+41 26 300 9440
Smolenskii Ilia
Sousa Santos Sidnéia
Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 9589
Specht Benjamin
Senior Researcher
Spierer Lucas
Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 8548
Stalin Jimmy
Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 8658
Steinke Hubert
Szabó Csaba
+41 26 300 9409
Szinnai Gábor
Tallone Tiziano
Senior Researcher
+41 26 300 8642
Tamm Marie
Administrative Officer
+41 26 300 9488
Tapparel Malika
PhD Student SNSF
Taverna Alice
Clinical Research Assistant
Togni Mario
Venetz Jean-Pierre
Vernez Isabelle Caroline
Senior technical Officer
+41 26 300 8641
Vukovic Jelena
Wannier Patrizia
Teacher Training Assistant
+41 26 300 8723
Weber Clemens
Senior technical Officer
+41 26 300 8632
Wolfer Pauline
PhD Student SNSF
+41 26 300 8577
Wüest Stephan
Yilmaz Alev
+41 26 300 8491
Zajac-Bakri Kilian
Senior technical Officer
Zuhra Karim
+41 26 300 9352
von der Weid Laure
Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding
+41 26 300 8481