A unique Health Science Competence Center is coming to the blueFactory Technology Park
The blueFactory Technology Park is currently witnessing the construction of a competence center which will provide academics and clinicians with the latest equipment and highly specialised expert knowledge in the area of the health sciences. To this end the University of Fribourg is establishing a limited company, the Swiss Integrative Center for Human Health (SICHH), which will begin operating in spring 2013 on the site of the former Cardinal Brewery.

(Picture: Thinkstock)
The rectorate of the University of Fribourg resolved on 19th March 2013 to establish a not-for-profit limited company to bring to fruition the project of a health science competence center as a public-private partnership. The Swiss Integrative Center for Human Health (SICHH) will provide companies, academics and clinicians with modern equipment and specialised expert knowledge in the areas of medical technology (MedTech), biotechnology (BioTech) and pharmaceuticals, as well as in all fields of human medicine. The University of Fribourg launched the project together with Fribourg Hospital (HFR) in 2102 as part of the competition held by the Canton and the City of Fribourg to gather ideas for the development of the blueFactory Technology Park.
Combining state-of-the-art technology and expert knowledge
The Competence Center will move in at the blueFactory site in spring 2013 and, with its more than 1,000 square metres of space, will offer its users specialised expert knowledge and equipment in four complementary areas:
– Genome sequencing and proteomics (study of the totality of an organism’s proteins)
– Microscopy and material analysis
– Human-machine interaction and the simplified visualisation of complex results
– Analysis and interpretation of results; modelling and data simulation

The structure of the Swiss Integrative Center for Human Health (SICHH).
As a unique personalised service, the SICHH will make available to its clients and partners assistance from highly qualified specialists which is tailored exactly to their requirements. This novel offering will enable innovative small and medium enterprises (SME), start-up companies as well as large firms to outsource part of their research and development activities. The Center’s chosen legal form, an independent limited company, will facilitate flexible collaboration between researchers and industry, while the University will hold a majority of the shares. Thus far, 30 enterprises have signed letters of intent confirming their interest in working with the SICCH.
SICHH aims at becoming self-financing
Since the SICCH is not tied to a particular research institute whose priorities lie in basic research, it will be able to offer its services at attractive prices and secure optimal conditions of use for its clients. The investment required amounts to approximately 12 million franks for which the SICCH will take up a bank loan. This will require a guarantee from the Canton of Fribourg in the months to come. The business plan, which has been developed together with the Fribourg School of Business Administration, provides for the Center finally becoming self-financing.
Further Information: www.sichh.ch
Contact: Dr. Diego Braguglia, CEO SICHH AG, diego.braguglia@unifr.ch, 079 687 74 88