Faculty of Science and Medicine

At the Faculty of Science and Medicine of the University of Fribourg, we teach the next generation of scientists and doctors, with a particular focus on life sciences, biomedicine, and nanomaterials. We train them to face the future challenges of our society.


No, there will be no sixth ocean!

An earthquake low on the Richter scale has shaken geologists. Contrary to what that scientific community widely thought, the Central Afar region in Ethiopia will probably never become a deep ocean. This…

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Interview de Dr Salomée Tschopp, gagnante du prix Vigener 2024

Interview de Dr Salomée Tschopp, gagnante du prix Vigener 2024 de la Faculté des sciences et de médecine. Elle raconte sa recherche, son intérêt pour le domaine de la physique quantique et ses projets…

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A newly discovered natural compound protects against macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness among seniors. Researchers from the University of Fribourg, part of a team led by Professor Patricia Boya, working with the Center…

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